
by Peter Ashworth on Dec 04 2024
A painting is not a picture of an experience, but is the experience.” Mark Rothko, painter
Some of life’s greatest moments are when we are experiencing a truly deep emotional connection with a place, a person or an object. Art, by function and purpose, is created to create joy, and good art does even more. Great art can create feelings that go past feel-good emotions….and can tap deeply into the feelings of amazement and personal transcendence…even Nirvana.

How to Choose Art That Moves You and Creates an Emotion
by Peter Ashworth on Oct 01 2024
How do you go about finding art that makes you feel something, art that moves you each time to see it? Let’s dive into this very personal and inspiring journey together!

How Your Brain Sees and Interprets Abstract Art
by Peter Ashworth on Sep 30 2024
Abstract art is a unique visual experience that allows both the artist and viewer to explore new dimensions of perception and emotion. From vibrant splashes of color to fluid brushstrokes and dynamic forms, abstract art invites us to look beyond the surface and engage with deeper layers of thought and feeling. Unlike representational art, which depicts recognizable subjects, abstract art offers a more open-ended, interpretive experience.